dimanche 14 février 2010

Noah and the Whale

Noah And The Whale - 5 Years Time
envoyé par universalmusicbelgique. -

J'installe ici cette chanson que j'apprécie pour l'heure, sans savoir si ce sera le cas demain et que j'aurai même un peu honte de l'avoir soutenu. C'est ma crédibilité Gaudin, mesurée par le point Gaudin que je mets en jeu. Ce qui est amusant, c'est que ce groupe anglais vient d'une des banlieues londonniennes présentes dans le livre de J.G. Ballard, dernièrement lu. Amusant, amusant, j'imagine bien que cela n'amuse que moi.

5 commentaires:

Gi.FrechePoint a dit…

Here I come!
Here's an australian fan of this 'funning' blog.

Good link universal Belgium! I'll explain why:

To make the circle, here's another good lin :
These dumb-asses of NATW made me first remember to the song Brimful of asha, that I first heard on 'Hartley True Hearts' when drug addicted Drazic and frigid cute blond girl Anita are having fun at the school party.

- same chords (like harkis - = under-men - can provide),
- both talking about youth attitude (like in young jewish Fabius in barmitsvas)

It emphasizes the Chelsea bored white temper ever more (why on earth soccer players are black in there? An abo in Aussie soccer team, no way!).

But you're going like a Libe journalist when you see something that could past time in there. It's all easy and easy listening. Olivia Ruiz could have done it.

XXX to Bergé (we're going to have fun in front of the Court together) and support to UGC accompagnamen (I suggest a sheriff profile for them now)

Ultra Montpell4ever (Bordeaux = littler cocks)

Haaaaa I feel better!!!

Felix Dussardier a dit…

Vampire Weekend, weezer, The Strokes, etc...tous ces groupes composés de surdiplômés blancs. J'ai envie de dire à quand le groupe "immense" de l'Iep Grenoble.

K.von Gibus a dit…

Mr FrechePoint,

I am quite happy and astonished.I've never expected to have some Australian readers. If this case, I can try to write some posts in English.

The filiation with Cornershop was not so upfront. I should admit that lots of rock bands sound the same and that's why in France, we invent the point Gaudin, from the name of an important person for us. Two bands seem to be equal, but one can attract laugh if you say that you are a fan, and for the other, in contrary, it appears a sign of "elegance" and "haute culture" if you claim you are fond of. Sometimes, the change of consideration can happen during a career. As a result, we need a benchmark, when I match it, it corresponds to high-credibility.

Gi.FrechePoint a dit…

Oasis is the best mainstream example. Laugh for them though on stage funning great sound. Once I was in Paris and I came near Champs Elysee to see a band playing. Before the performance, Oasis best album was played. It was electric! Waiters seemed to have super powers. It was after Oasis disgrace.

It's the same with musicians' ads. They're all look the same because when influences are quoted, ads could be exchanged.

K.von Gibus a dit…

To Mr FrechePoint,

The best exemples seem to be Muse and Placebo. I was keen on when I was a little bit younger. Now, I never say that publicly. thta's right it doesn't sound of what they were at the beginning. I notice the same kind of snobbery exists in the classical music area. But whatever! whatever wherever said Shakira.

What is cool in Australia now?

Frêche is an french intellectual with diplomas (see wikipedia). Respect to your degrees.